Kellogg PTA
Our children are our number one priority, and we all want the best for them. More than 30 years’ worth of research has proven that children do better when their parents are involved both at home and at school. There’s a simple way for you to help your child succeed: Join the PTA. PTA helps parents, students, school staff, and the community work together to share ideas about programs and activities that benefit children. Our PTA provides information and resources that strengthen the connections between children, parents, schools and the community.
And here's the link to join via Totem:
For more information, please contact our PTA at
Sign up NOW for S25 After School Enrichment (ASE)
The Spring line-up for After School Enrichment (ASE) is live! Please sign up today as classes fill up fast! Classes begin 3/31 and run through the week of 5/26. Offerings include everything from clay to Chinese to yoga to tennis and SO MANY MORE. 50% scholarships are available for every class. Please email Principal Davis for more information. Thank you to the Kellogg PTA for organizing these classes on behalf of all Kellogg Students. Happy enriching!