For School Registration Information, click on Parents, scroll down to Enrollment/Registration and Transportation, then click on the side-bar "School Registration"

Enrollment for 2025/2026 opens Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Transitional Kindergarten (TK) for the 2025 - 2026 School Year

All children who turn 4 on or before September 1st are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) at your school of residence ("neighborhood school"). Please reach out to the school office for information on when they are holding their TK/K Information Night and assistance with the enrollment process.  Most TK/K Information nights are held in January.

  • Birthday Examples
    • A child's birthday is August 29, 2021 = they are eligible for TK in 2025/2026 as they will turn 4 before September 1st.
    • A child's birthday is September 2, 2021 = they are not eligible for TK in 2025/2026 as they will turn 4 after September 1st.
    • A child's birthday is April 3, 2020 = they are not eligible for TK in 2025/2026 as they will turn 5 BUT they are eligble for K.


Online Enrollment Directions  English / Español

TK & Kindergarten Parent Enrollment Directions [ English / Spanish ]




Toileting Visual and Resources


FAQs About Toileting Expectations

Does my incoming child need to be potty trained to attend Preschool or Transitional Kindergarten (TK)? 

State legislation does not permit districts to deny enrollment to incoming Preschool or TK students if they are not fully potty trained; however, we STRONGLY encourage you to potty train your child before the start of the school year. 

What does it mean to be fully potty trained?

Fully potty trained students may have an occasional accident. Fully potty trained means that the pupil:   

  • comes to school in big kid underpants (not pull-ups)
  • can communicate a need to use the bathroom
  • can independently take care of toileting (pull down underpants, sit on toilet or stand at urinal, and void the bowels or bladder)
  • can independently manage related hygiene (can access toilet paper, wipe, place used toilet paper in the toilet bowl, flush, pull up underpants without assistance, and wash and dry hands)

Will TK classrooms have a bathroom?
All preschool and TK classrooms are located near a bathroom. Teachers will encourage students to use the bathroom during recess and will access additional staff to support bathroom needs throughout the instructional day.

What happens if my student has an accident at school?

Students will be sent to the health office to change if they are wet or wait for their parents to pick them up if they have had a bowel movement. 

Please see below resources for additional help:

For more specific information or guidance, consult your child’s pediatrician.

Toilet Teaching Without Tears PDF -- English

Toilet Teaching Without Tears PDF -- Spanish

Toilet Training Videos: 

Elmo’s Potty / Elmo’s Potty (Spanish)

Daniel Tiger’s Stop and Go Potty / Daniel Tiger's Stop and Go Potty (Spanish)



Tiny Talks Episode #1 / Pláticas Breves Episodio #1

Tiny Talks Episode #1 Interview with Kim Grant- district psychologist with GUSD for over 20 years. As a professional supporting GUSD's preschool program and as parent of her own 3 children, Kim offers parents strategies for establishing reliable routines at home and helping their young children cope with big feelings.

Pláticas breves episodio #1  Entrevista con Kim Grant- psicóloga del distrito con GUSD por más de 20 años. Como profesional que apoya el programa preescolar de GUSD y como madre de sus propios 3 hijos, Kim ofrece a los padres estrategias para establecer rutinas seguras en casa y ayudar a sus hijos pequeños a enfrentarse a grandes sentimientos.


Tiny Talks Episode #2 / Pláticas Breves Episodio #2

Tiny Talks Episode #2 Interview with Bree-Anna Bissonnette, a GUSD occupational therapist. Bree-Anna explains how parents can help their child develop the motor strength and coordination needed for cutting, writing, and more. It all starts with making practice fun!

Pláticas Breves Episodio #2 Entrevista con Bree-Anna Bissonnette, terapeuta ocupacional del GUSD. Bree-Anna explica cómo los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos a desarrollar la fuerza motriz y la coordinación necesarias para cortar, escribir y mucho más. Todo empieza por hacer que la práctica sea divertida.

Tiny Talks Episode #3 / Pláticas Breves Episodio #3

Tiny Talks Episode #3 Interview with Kristina De Heras. With a long history of supporting literacy in our district, Kristina is currently the library media specialist at Hollister School. Kristina talks about early literacy resources for families, how Science of Reading applies to our youngest readers, and the role of technology in literacy development. Click on the linked resource here for more information. 

Pláticas Breves Episodio #3 Entrevista con Kristina De Heras. Con una larga trayectoria de apoyo a la alfabetización en nuestro distrito, Kristina es actualmente la especialista en medios bibliotecarios de la Escuela Hollister. Kristina habla sobre los recursos de alfabetización temprana para las familias, cómo la Ciencia de la Lectura se aplica a nuestros lectores más jóvenes, y el papel de la tecnología en el desarrollo de la alfabetización. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener más información.


Tiny Talks Episode #4 / Pláticas Breves Episodio #4

Tiny Talks Episode #4 Interview with Sylvia Sifuentes, currently our district translator working for the District for the past 17 years. As a professional supporting GUSD's multilingual families and as parent of her own multilingual children, Sylvia offers parents insight into getting involved in their child’s learning and in the decision-making process at their school site.  For Spanish speakers, please play this video. For English speakers, please turn on captions in English before viewing. 

Pláticas breves episodio #4 Entrevista con Sylvia Sifuentes, actualmente nuestra traductora del Distrito trabajando para el Distrito durante los últimos 17 años. Como profesional que apoya a las familias multilingües de GUSD y como madre de sus propios hijos multilingües, Sylvia ofrece a los padres información sobre cómo participar en el aprendizaje de sus hijos y en el proceso de toma de decisiones en su escuela.  Para los que hablan español, vea el vídeo a continuación. Si habla inglés, active los subtítulos en inglés para ver el vídeo.


Tiny Talks Episode #5 / Pláticas Breves Episodio #5


Tiny Talks Episode #5 Interview with Hannah Carroll. Hannah is a Registered Dietitian and is GUSD’s Food Services Director. In this conversation, Hannah describes the food service programs that are available to our families during the school year and summer. She also offers parents tips for how to deal with picky eaters and children who may not be hungry during mealtimes. Hannah has attached an information flyer about the Summer Food Services Program for parents to consider as summer draws near. Click on the link here for more information!

Pláticas breves episodio #5  Entrevista con Hannah Carroll. Hannah es una Dietista Registrada y es la Directora de Servicios de Comida de GUSD. En esta conversación, Hannah describe los programas de servicio de alimentos que están disponibles para nuestras familias durante el año escolar y el verano. También ofrece a los padres consejos sobre cómo lidiar con los comedores quisquillosos y los niños que pueden no tener hambre durante las comidas. Hannah ha adjuntado un folleto informativo sobre el Programa de Servicios de Comida de Verano para que los padres lo tengan en cuenta a medida que se acerca el verano. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

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